
Delivered and chosen by God

Delivered and chosen by God

God has delivered and chosen you so that you will receive an inheritance through Christ! You are not an accident, God made a choice, a decision, He saw you and wants you to be His own! 'The Lord has taken you and brought you out of the iron furnace, out of Egypt, to be His people, an inheritance, as you are this day' (Deuteronomy 4.20, KJV).

The Power of Revival

The Power of Revival

We need the FIRE of God to fall afresh on us! We often say of people who are very enthusiastic that they are ‘fiery’! Come on! We need to have some of that FIRE that came on the first Day of Pentecost! Look at Acts 4.33, ‘With GREAT POWER the Apostles witnessed to the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus!’ Look, these men were not educated, nor religious – their ONLY Power and Authority was the Holy Spirit and Jesus! What we need, what I pray for – is a spiritual awakening that will bring back the FIRE AND THE POWER into the Church. We need Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit. We need a renewal of this experience in the Church! O God, grant it in Jesus’ Name! Amen!

Called and set apart for a specific purpose (Romans 1:1-16)

Called and set apart for a specific purpose (Romans 1:1-16)

We are called and set apart for a purpose: it is a divine calling. We are to regard ourselves as a servant of Jesus Christ, following the Master’s Voice. Jesus Himself said, “Many are called, but few are chosen!” We need to serve in such a way as to be considered worthy of the calling of Christ.

Held by the love of God

Held by the love of God

We are held by love, an invisible power that doesn’t let us escape out of the Grace of God! Oh, what a wonderful description of being a ‘prisoner of God’. We are held ‘captive’ to His Love… It so binds us, so holds us… But it’s not only God’s Love for us, but our love for Him! Our love for Him acts as a lock, a guard, to prevent us from getting away! So, you and I, we’re a ‘prisoner’ of the Lord! Not in the sense of pain and suffering, but something full of Glory, full of joy! I follow the Lord because I love Him! I preach the Gospel – because I love Him! I see the miracles – because I love Him! My whole life is governed by love. Love is surely one of the most powerful forces!

Our confidence is in Christ

Our confidence is in Christ

Our confidence is in Christ! When we have faith in God, He takes away our fear. In Christ we have no fear of the past, the future, no fear of the virus, no fear of the devil – we have confidence in God! Scripture says, don’t throw away your confidence! Keep that confidence in the reconciliation we have with God – nothing can break our relationship with God, no evil can destroy what we have, we are one with God, reconciled in Christ – and that’s why Jesus Christ is so important in our lives!

Standing on the Promises of God

Standing on the Promises of God

If you can believe just one of God’s Promises, if you can believe even just part of God’s Word – then I challenge you to believe the whole! I believe the Bible from cover to cover, I believe it is the inspired Word of God. I’m challenging you to have that confidence that God CANNOT and WILL NOT and DOES NOT FAIL! There’s an old song, ‘Standing on the Promises of God’! That’s what we have to do! Don’t go back to ‘Egypt’, don’t go back to the strength of the horses and the chariots – let’s stand absolutely firm on the Authority and Power of God’s Promises! And if you are going to believe just one, why not believe them all?

The first and latter rain of the Spirit

The first and latter rain of the Spirit

God has promised to pour out His Spirit on all flesh in the last days. Many individual believers, churches and even nations are waiting for revival, believing for the latter rain as spoken by the Prophet Joel. I believe we are living in that day! God wants to stir us into action; that is why He allows the crisis! Today we are facing the greatest challenge ever to the church and indeed to our faith.

The more difficult the situation the greater the Power of God

The more difficult the situation the greater the Power of God

We are living through a very critical time but let me encourage you: the more difficult the situation, the greater the Power of God. When you are in tribulation, when all the problems of life have come upon you; you will find God if you search for Him from just where you are! I want you to reach out to Jesus today; seek Him from where you are; and when you do, you will find He is not far from you.